Frequently Asked Questions
When is the event?
The event is May 10th and you may attend only the PM session. The PM session is from 2pm — 5pm. There will be a lunch from noon to 1:30pm. Lost Canyon facilities open at 9am for anyone who wants to play frisbee golf, basketball, pool tables, etc.)
Who should attend this event?
This event is designed to help motivate young people who are middle school age on up to college age. However, anyone may attend if they can handle the loud music.
What should I expect if I attend this event?
Expect to hear powerful speakers motivate you to achieve your own success and perhaps change your life. Also expect to hear some clean, hard rocking, loud music!
How much will this cost me?
Tickets are $25 which includes lunch.
What if I can’t afford tickets but still want to attend?
Scholarships are available to those who have a sincere desire to go, but are financially unable to afford tickets. Scholarships allow you to only pay $6.50 for a ticket and includes a lunch.
Is this a religious event?
This event will have speakers who talk about how God has helped them in their lives. The event is non-denominational (anyone, religious or not, is welcome) and there is no religious recruiting or “alter calls.”
Will there be a sales pitch or will I be asked for money?
There is no pressure sales and you will not be asked for any money or your personal information at the event.
What do I need to bring?
You will only need to bring your ticket, an open-mind, and be prepared for a great time! You may wish to bring additional money if you want to purchase t-shirts or snacks.